Diversity Awareness Partnership

Community Roundtable Series

In the hopes of bringing people together in this time of social distancing, Diversity Awareness Partnership (DAP) is hosting a virtual Community Roundtable Series. This series aims to create a space for members to come together to discuss the equity and inclusion issues we are facing as a community due to the current pandemic of COVID-19.

Please check back soon for updates on future sessions!

Session 1

Topic: Xenophobia, Racism and COVID-19 
Date: April 3, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Location: Zoom Call

In the wake of rising COVID-19 cases, there has also been a rise in blatant xenophobia and racism. This dangerous and often violent scape-goating is unfortunately not new, and the negative impact it is having on targeted communities is adding an additional strain during already challenging times. In this session, we are joined by leaders from members of the Asian American community and the Anti-Defamation League to hear their perspectives on the history and current impact of the racist rhetoric surrounding this pandemic.

Guest Speakers:
Karen Aroesty, Regional Director, ADL Heartland
Caroline Fan, Founder, EARLY (Education Advocacy Representation & Leadership for Youth)
Melanie Liu, Student at The Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis

Asian Americans raise concerns about stereotyping during coronavirus outbreak” via KSDK; features guest speakers Melanie Liu and Caroline Fan
Yang & Anti-Defamation League CEO: Avoid coronavirus racism and scapegoatingvia USA Today
Trump Defends Using ‘Chinese Virus’ Label, Ignoring Growing Criticism” via New York Times 

Please note that this session has already taken place, but you can watch a recording of it below.

Click Here to Watch

Session 2

Topic: Ableism and Adaptation
Date: April 3, 2020
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
Location: Zoom Call

Disability rights advocates have long had to fight for workplace accommodations, including requests to work from home, but have often been met with pushback from organizations and leadership despite the fact that protections for “reasonable accommodations” have been written into law. Now, in the age of COVID-19, some employers are shifting readily to more flexible structures, but what will happen when stay-at-home orders are lifted? Can we retain this flexibility? And what can organizations do in the meantime to ensure work in the digital sphere is more accessible? This session discusses these questions and more with professionals working in this field, many of whom have navigated professional lives as people with disabilities themselves.

Guest Speakers:
November Champion, Accessibility Advocate
Jason Hartsfield, Adult Career Services Coordinator, Starkloff Disability Institute 
Aimee Wehmeier, President, Paraquad

Don’t Reassure People by Saying Coronavirus Is More Likely to Harm the Chronically Ill & Elderly” via SheKnows
If I Get COVID-19 It Might Be Ableism – Not the Virus – That Kills Me” via The Mighty
HIV/AIDS and Safety During COVID-19” via nextavenue; includes a resource list
Fatphobia, Ableism and the COVID-19 Pandemic” via Disability Visibility Project
Our coronavirus response must include disabled and low-income people” via Disability Demands; includes list of demands for equitable emergency legislation

Please note that this session has already taken place, but you can watch a recording of it below.

Click Here to Watch

Session 3

Topic: Homeschooling Equity
Date: April 10, 2020
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
Location: Zoom Call

Many parents and caregivers have found themselves in a situation of having to provide home school education to their children due to the closure of numerous institutions of learning. How do we make room for education around equity with our children and ourselves during this time? This discussion will center around that question and will allow participants time to ask others what strategies have been working for them when attempting to include the topic of equity in their home school curriculum.

Guest Speakers:
Dr. Nicole Evans, Executive Director of Urban Education and Student Engagement, Harris-Stowe State University
Sidney Keys III, Founder and CEO, Books & Bros
Winnie Caldwell, Co-Founder & Program Director, Books & Bros

Social Solidarity: Embracing Equity During Times of Coronavirus Uncertainty” via Medium; includes tips

Please note that this session has already taken place, but you can watch a recording of it below.

Click Here to Watch

Session 4

Topic: Supporting Unhoused Individuals During the Pandemic
Date: April 17, 2020
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
Location: Zoom Call

How does someone “shelter in place” if they do not have a “place” to go? How can someone follow health department recommendations of frequent hand-washing if they do not have access to clean, running water? Despite already facing many of these challenges prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, people who are unhoused may now be finding those difficulties are now exacerbated due to this pandemic. This session will allow for discussion on these questions and give participants time to hear from guest speakers about what can be done to support the unhoused community through this unique crisis.

Guest Speakers:
Anthony D’Agostino, CEO, St. Patrick Center
Tammy Laws, Director of Partnerships, Gateway Housing First
Don Shipp, Places for People
Adam Cisroe Pearson, COO, Peter & Paul Community Services

St. Louis adding additional shelter for homeless people during coronavirus pandemic” via KSDK

Please note that this session has already taken place, but you can watch a recording of it below.

Click Here to Watch